Feminism = Shrinkage?

Yes, you read it correctly, according to Rush Limbaugh feminists will cause men’s penis’ to shrink in size. Please remember to breathe through that painful minute and 33 seconds…

Now that you survived that horrid ordeal I put you through, let us discuss this idea. There is NO correlation between a man’s penis size and feminism, unless you are from the wizarding world that is… However, according to the study, today’s “average size of a penis is roughly 10 percent smaller than it was 50 years ago,” is all due to air pollution and a few other factors.

How do you tell someone like Limbaugh that their statements makes people question their sanity and intelligence? Making “flame-worthy” statements such as that will definitely give you attention you seek, be it negative or positive. The media outlets essentially determines, or dictates, what type of information their audiences will learn about. Media often dictates what is “in” and what is not.

In a recent study done by University at Buffalo a group of researchers determined that “portrayal of women in the popular media over the last several decades has become increasingly sexualized, even “pornified.” The two conclusions that came out of the study was: 1. women AND men both became increasingly sexualized as time went on, 2. the change in the sexualization of women (not men) changed very drastically. This was all determined through studying one well-known magazine cover through the decades.

Yes, men get sexualized similarly to women. Media has painted an ideal picture of how women and men should look that can be seen everywhere we go. From billboards to television commercials to online advertisement, we see all different sort of promotions from media outlets attempting to sell a certain product. While men can look debonair and handsome with clothes on, women have increasingly become shown in less and less or in the nude. How is that fair?

It is because media has determined that “sex sells.”

Credits to: Women’s Rights News Facebook Page

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